By Kwang Sun Choi
Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto
PhD Dissertation, 2012
The present context of the ecological crisis and the concomitant bio-geological change demands an urgent, comprehensive response in order to restore the integral functioning of the Earth’s processes.Since the ecological crisis is deeply rooted in a mechanistic and reductionistic worldview and a spirituality of alienation from the Earth, this thesis attempts to develop a functional and ecological spirituality in light of a cosmological perspective, seeking an interpretation of religion and spirituality in terms of the story of the universe and of the Earth process and a functional presence of humanity on the Earth community.
This thesis explores the cosmologies of Berry and Zhou by employing two methods – a method of critical cosmological discourse and a method of retrieval, re-evaluation, and reconstruction.By giving special attention to the integral relationship among God, the cosmos and humanity, the works of Berry and Zhou provide insights that speak to the current ecological crisis, a cosmological context for developing an Ecozoic theocosmoanthric spirituality, while helping to advance clear values and ethical parameters that lead to a more authentic human presence on the Earth community.In particular, an Ecozoic spirituality has three interrelated yet distinct components:i) an eco-theological recognition of a triadic communion among God, the cosmos, and humanity; ii) a transformation of worldview, human identity, and human attitudes toward the rest of creation; and iii) certain distinctive virtues that such an integration promotes.This Ecozoic spirituality can help develop a sacramental sensitivity to the rest of creation and can promote humanity’s participatory responsibility for the sacred journey of the Earth community.