By Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker An Epic Story of Cosmic, Earth, and Human Transformation A documentary film project, book, and 20-part conversation series. Journey of the Universe is inspired by Thomas Berry’s call in 1978 for a "New Story”. It also...
Thomas Berry: The Great Story
Produced by Nancy Stetson and Penny Morrell The Great Story is a 50 minute documentary film for educational venues and public broadcast portraying the life and work of Thomas Berry. The film displays the beauty of the natural world as Berry tells the story of the...
Thomas Berry Speaks Produced by Marty Ostrow At 86 years of age, Thomas Berry shared his concerns for the well being of our planet. This DVD contains two short selections from that session (one 11 minutes and one 15 minutes).
The Awakening Universe
Directed by Neal Rogin and written by Neal Rogin and Drew Dellinger Based on the book The Universe Story by cultural historian Thomas Berry and cosmologist Brian Swimme, this inspiring 15 minute film takes one on a journey, from the birth of the Universe, through the...
An Appalachian Wedding
By Thomas Berry Written for Paul Winter's wedding Look up at the sky the heavens so blue the sun so radiant the clouds so playful the soaring raptors woodland creatures meadows in bloom rivers singing their way to the sea wolfsong on the land whalesong in the sea...
It Takes a Universe
By Thomas Berry The child awakens to a universe. The mind of the child to a world of wonder. Imagination to a world of beauty. Emotions to a world of intimacy. It takes a universe to make a child both in outer form and inner spirit. It takes a universe to educate a...
Morningside Cathedral
By Thomas Berry We have heard in this Cathedral Bach's Passion The Lamentations of Jeremiah Ancient experiences of darkness over the earth Light born anew But now, darkness deeper than even God Can reach with a quick healing power What sound, What song, What cry...
Earth’s Desire
By Thomas Berry To be seen in her loveliness to be tasted in her delicious fruits to be listened to in her teaching to be endured in the severity of her discipline to be experienced as the maternal source whence we come the destiny to which we...
Carolina Prophet: Poem for Thomas Berry
By Drew Dellinger we were dreamed in the cores of the stars. like the stars, we were meant to unfold we were dreamed in the depths of the undulating ocean. like the waves, we were meant to unfold like bursting supernovas, birthing elements, which crucibles give rise...
Education in a Multi-Cultural World
Tr. into Arabic for Al-Mu-allim Al-Arabi, monthly review of the Syrian Ministry of Education. September 1958.