Thomas Berry discusses “The New Story” at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia in 1984
“Reimagining and Reinventing the Human”
Thomas Berry at Schumacher College
“The Historical Mission of Our Time”
Thomas Berry speaks at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill on June 24, 1997
The Twelve Principles
Thomas and Brian Swimme explain Thomas’s twelve principles and relate them to cosmology today.
“Transitioning to an Ecozoic Future”
Thomas Berry at Faith Community Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, March 1997
“The Celebratory Liturgy of the Universe”
A Conversation between Thomas Berry and Miriam MacGillis at the Riverdale Center on May 29, 1991
“The Art and Crisis of Planet Earth”
A talk by Thomas Berry at Holy Cross Centre, Port Burwell, Ontario, Canada in 1987
“The Universe Story – An Epic for our Time”
A series of talks which Thomas gave at Holy Cross Centre in Port Burwell, Ontario in 1994
“Reimagining Modern Industrial Global Culture”
Thomas argues that Western culture must become more integral with the Earth Community and Universe Story.
“The Universe and the University”
Thomas Berry speaks at a conference, also featuring John Cobb, on the topic of “The Universe and the University.”
Thomas Berry speaks at Holy Cross Centre
Port Burwell, Ontario
“Teilhard de Chardin in the Age of Ecology” by Thomas Berry
Interviewer: Jane Blewett. Thomas speaks about the life and thinking of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Thomas Berry speaks on “The Great Work” and the influence of Teilhard de Chardin
Meeting of the American Teilhard Association in 1994
Thomas Berry: What Does the Earth Desire?
A poetic response by Thomas Berry to the question “What does the Earth desire?” Interviewed during The Gaia Foundation’s May 2003 Summit meeting.
Thomas Berry in “What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire”
Interview for the documentary “What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire” (2007)
Thomas Berry – Poems and Stories
With Bassist Elliot Dodge
Thomas Berry Recites Nine of His Poems
Asheville, North Carolina
Thomas Berry Recites “Earth’s Desire”
This single-poem clip is drawn from one of the last videos made of Thomas Berry (1914 - 2009) speaking to an audience (Asheville, North Carolina). Filmed by Lou Niznik (1932 - 2011), this performance captures the artistic, playful side of one of the most beloved and...
Children of the Forest
Eco-visionary and author Thomas Berry recites his poem “Children of the Forest” to a group of children at Timberlake Earth Sanctuary.
Thomas Berry: The Great Story
Produced by Nancy Stetson and Penny Morrell
50 minute documentary film for educational venues and public broadcast.
Thomas Berry Speaks
Produced by Marty Ostrow
At 86 years of age, Thomas Berry shared his concerns for the well being of our planet.