By Kelvin Ravenscroft Thomas Berry Manchester Season of Creation Summer 2022 Read the newsletter here.

and the Great Work
By Kelvin Ravenscroft Thomas Berry Manchester Season of Creation Summer 2022 Read the newsletter here.
By Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker An Epic Story of Cosmic, Earth, and Human Transformation A documentary film project, book, and 20-part conversation series. Journey of the Universe is inspired by Thomas Berry’s call in 1978 for a "New Story”. It also...
Directed by Neal Rogin and written by Neal Rogin and Drew Dellinger Based on the book The Universe Story by cultural historian Thomas Berry and cosmologist Brian Swimme, this inspiring 15 minute film takes one on a journey, from the birth of the Universe, through the...
By Thomas Berry David Korten David Korten writes eloquently of the relation between economics and politics in the modern industrial world, with special emphasis on the situation in America. The founders of this country in the late 18th century were men of property...
By Thomas Berry These essays deepen and expand what The Great Work seeks to communicate. That the writers come from different disciplines with a variety of life experience gives each its special significance. The following thoughts I write in appreciation of their...
By Stephen Bede Scharper Abstract In this review essay, Thomas Berry's The Great Work is contextualized within Berry's overarching cosmological project. Special attention is paid to Berry's critique of economic corporations, as well as his interpretation of...
By Aruna Gnanadason Abstract The time-honored traditions of prudence of small communities are based on a deep respect for the integrity of creation. However they are confronted with economic and development agenda that are unraveling the very capacity of peoples to...
By Rosemary Radford Ruether Abstract In this commentary on Thomas Berry's recent book, The Great Work, Rosemary Radford Ruether argues that the transformation that is needed to achieve a sustainable society must contain a dynamic interaction of three components:...
By Ursula GoodEnough Abstract There is much to applaud in Berry's book The Great Work. However this response questions the framework of purposive, hierarchical progress of the universe which is outlined in Berry’s narrative. It suggests that an alternative view is to...
By Robert Cummings Neville Abstract This paper salutes four contributions of Berry's book: its return to creation rather than redemption as the central doctrine of Christianity, its expanded paideia beyond the male West, its focus on ecological problems as the agenda...